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Blurring the borders between literature, journalism, essay, history, memoir and short story, Las Nalgas de JLo is a non-fiction collection of columns, articles, reviews, and poems, most written by Renaud González between 1995-2005 when she was an independent columnist for the San Antonio Express-News. Divided into eight chapters with such provocative headings as “They Say I’m No Lady,” “No Te Dejes/My Line in the Sand,” “Pray For Us Women,” “Forget the War, So We Can Remember It,” and “Las Nalgas de JLo/JLo’s Booty,” each chapter begins with a previously unpublished poem. While most of the 61 columns and articles included in this book were published in the San Antonio Express-News, many were published in other national newspapers and magazines, and some were unpublished due to their content. A “Disclaimer” as an introduction, and an “A-diosa-tion” and Afterword as a Despedida are also included in this collection.

Bárbara Renaud González is a Tejana born in South Texas, who grew up in the Texas Panhandle. She graduated with a B.A. in Social Work from the University of Texas Río Grande Valley and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. She worked in Washington D.C., followed by postgraduate work at the Harvard Kennedy School, studying Immigration and Labor. Her novel, Golondrina, why did you leave me?, was the first Chicana novel published by the University of Texas Press in 2009. Author of The Boy Made of Lightning, an interactive children’s book on the life of the late, great, voting rights activist, Willie Velásquez, she is currently developing The (S)Hero’s Journey, a series of children’s books about the marginalized (s)heroes of Texas, and finishing her first Tex-Mex adult fairy tale.